新莊中平KTV包廂 / 商業空間設計
接著,是我最自豪的歡唱區。我選擇了充滿科技感的黑色作為主調,並用LED燈條帶來微妙的光影變化。茶几上的LED燈光桌,是我希望為這個空間增添的情境感。而對於音效,我毫不妥協地選擇了JBL音響及LG 65吋 4K螢幕,只為給客人帶來最震撼的體驗。
When I sought to blend modernism with artistic culture, this poetic singing hall became my answer. In every aspect of the design, you can feel my passion and dedication to the space.
First and foremost, I designed an entrance reminiscent of the evening sky, hoping to offer each visitor a transitional emotional space. I envisioned it not just as a threshold of emotion but as an area where guests could momentarily set aside their daily stresses. For the console, I opted for a grille combined with a tea-colored mirrored finish. Beyond its functionality, it's also a spot for guests to pause and perhaps touch up their appearance.
I deliberately planned a subdued bar area, anticipating it to be the lively hub when the hall is bustling with patrons. The counter behind, serving as the heart of this karaoke box, is equipped with an induction cooker and an ice maker, ensuring every guest finds what they need.
Then, there's the singing area - my pride and joy. I chose a technologically sleek black as its main hue, accentuated by subtle shifts in lighting from LED strips. The LED lit table was to add a situational ambiance to this area. For sound quality, I made no compromises, choosing JBL speakers and a 65-inch LG 4K screen to offer guests an unparalleled experience.
Given that this is a subterranean space, I prioritized air quality and soundproofing. I chose to incorporate a heat exchange system and air conditioning to ensure indoor comfort. For sound insulation, I employed materials capable of blocking 95% of noise, preserving the tranquility of the area.
Lastly, I designed a bright relaxation zone for guests to unwind after their energetic performances. And for convenience, I even included a restroom. Despite the challenges posed by the original space, enhancing the guest experience made every effort worthwhile.
BKS貝凱斯室內藝術設計工作室 / LINE ID : @bks.design

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