海東青-手機配件館 / 商業空間設計
In this design journey, I encountered a mobile phone accessory store that seamlessly blended innovation with tradition. Within its compact space, every detail exudes refined artistry.
Utilizing bold visual lines, I aimed to challenge the boundaries of traditional spaces and create a modern design that is both minimalistic and profound. This isn't just an homage to the modern digital age but an attempt to use design to lead customers through the narrative of the space.
The combination of the wall's metallic brushed finish and the striking tech blue becomes the main visual focus within the store. Although this combination seems simple, the underlying craftsmanship is indeed a challenge. Every inch of brushing, every drop of blue needs meticulous selection and coordination, all to create the most impeccable visual feast.
Lastly, to tie the overall design together, I specifically crafted a brand logo and a unified color scheme for the store. This isn't just a logo, but a promise, showing every customer that steps into the store that this is not just a mobile accessory store, but a modern gallery where art meets technology.

BKS貝凱斯室內藝術設計工作室 / LINE ID : @bks.design
Copyright @ 2023 bks interior design.
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